The Importance of Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT)


  Since 1999, the Canadian Private Investigators Resource Center has assisted newbie and seasoned investigators to navigate through the ocean of online information. This became even more evident on April 13, 2000 when Canada passed the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). The PIPED Act states that organizations must obtain an individual’s consent…

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He Said. She Said. Now What?

He Said She Said

The daunting task of investigating a harassment claim is one that is faced by many human resources and employee relations professionals on a daily basis.

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International Fraud Awareness Week

Fraud A

International Fraud Awareness Week is the perfect time to go a step further in your role as an anti-fraud professional and to start discussions amongst peers, coworkers, executives and stakeholders in your community about how important fraud prevention is to society as a whole. You can use any of the free resources provided, or get creative and put your own twist on some of the ideas presented below.

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